Psilocybe cubensis „Tasmanian“

The Tasmanian cubensis is a fantastic mushroom found by BIO on the island of Tasmania just below Australia. Tasmania is a state of Australia, sub-tropical, having 4 seasons. It tends to get very cold their at times, and as -Clyde- found out, this mushroom does very well in cold temperatures outdoors, Our grower -Clyde- did some work with the Tazmanian cubensis and was just ecstatic about this strain of cubensis. He says its extremely fast growing on compost, high yielding, and produces some very large capped beauties as you will see in the pictures. He also gave word people will be very pleased with the sensation within it provides. Not much more to tell on this one yet, its new to us and we haven't seen much talk about it yet on any message boards. -Clyde- thinks people are going to be talking very highly of this strain once it gets around.

-Clyde- says this is an extremely fast grower. At 80F temps, it colonized 10 lbs of compost in 5 days !! That is very fast. Most other fast strains he says does it in around 10 days. Unfortunately, we only have one picture of it indoors, but what a nice picture it is.
This is a close up, with a film canister for size comparison.
Our grower had some fun with the strain outdoors. After the trays of compost started colonizing, the trays were put outdoors in cold temps. The average temp range was a hi of 75F, and a low of 45F. The Tasmania cub still colonized fast, and produces some very beautiful yellowish color cubs.
Another characteristic our grower likes about the Tasmania cub is its a real good 2nd flush producer. This same outdoor tray above, produced a nice abundance of large capped mushrooms on the 2nd flush as well.

source -

Growth parameters:

Various grain types, compost, pasteurised dung/straw
colonisation/fruiting: 28-30°C / 23-26°C
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