Gymnopilus aeruginosus

Gymnopilus aeruginosus (Peck) Singer

Pholiota aeruginosa Peck

Macroscopic feat.:
  • Cap/Pileus: 2-23 cm broad. Convex with an incurved margin, expanding to broadly convex with age. Variable in color. Dull bluish gray green, to variegated green and yellow, hygrophanous, becoming drab in drying. Surface covered with tawny scales, dark brown in age. Flesh pallid to whitish, with greenish to dull bluish tones, becoming yellowish in drying.
  • Gills/Lamellae: Attachment adnexed to adnate to slightly decurrent, often tearing away from the stem, cream buff to pale orangish, close to crowded, broad, with edges often irregular.
  • Stem/Stipe: 30-120 mm long by 4-40 mm thick, similar to cap in color. Surface covered with appressed fibrils, soon disappearing, smooth, slightly striate, solid when young, becoming hollow with age. Partial veil cortinate, yellowish, fragile, soon disappearing and leaving a fibrillose annular zone in the superior region of the stem.

Microscopic feat.:
  • Basidio/Spores: Rusty brown to rusty orange to reddish cinnamon in deposit, ellipsoid in face view, inequilateral in side view, 6-9 by 3.5-4.5 µm.
  • Basidia: 4-spored.
  • Pleurocistidia: Rare, 23-35 by 5-7 µm.
  • Cheilocystidia: 20-38 by 5-9 µm. Flasklike to ventricose, and mostly capitate.

Habitat: Grows gregarious to cespitose on woody debris of hardwoods and conifers, wood chips, sawdust, and stumps from May to September across much of the United States (California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Michigan, Tennessee, Ohio, and Pennsylvania), central to northern Europe, and Japan.

Comment: Moderately active. Few people have actually experimented with this mushroom, probably because it was not widely known to be active. There may be compounds other than psilocybin, but closely related, that potentiate the experiences of the consumer. This large Gymnopilus has a bitter taste and is flushed with bluish tones. A slight oily farinaceous odor with hints of anise has been reported from specimens found in the Pacific Northwest.

source - Paul Stamets "Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World"

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 1

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 2

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 3

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 4

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 5

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 6

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 7

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 8

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 9

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 10

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link: Gymnopilus aeruginosus - foto 11

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